A Government for Change is What People Voted for and That is What Must be Delivered – McDonald

Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD has said that the people voted for change and that everything possible must be done to deliver a government for change.
Leader McDonald has appointed Pearse Doherty to head the Sinn Féin negotiations team, and in the coming week Sinn Fién will seek meetings with all parties, beginning tomorrow with those parties that received a mandate for change.
McDonald said:
“The people voted for change and Sinn Féin will do everything that we can to deliver a government for change.
“Following a meeting of the Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle last night, this morning I appointed our negotiations team which will be led by Pearse Doherty and in the coming week we will seek to meet with all parties.
“From tomorrow we will meet with those that received a mandate for change.
“We will look at how to deliver the change that people voted for – that means delivering solutions on housing, health, climate change, pensions, giving workers and families a break and advancing Irish Unity.
“I also welcome the fact that Fianna Fáil have shifted their position about talking to Sinn Féin and understand that this election has changed everything.
“There should be no delay in government formation.
“We have serious work to do and it needs to begin quickly.”