Be inspired by the magical Mountains of Mourne
Northern Ireland’s Mourne Mountains have inspired writers, film makers and songwriters and continue to cast a spell on all who go there.
Tune into Cellissimo – Ireland’s music for the senses
Music for Galway has re-imagined its celebration of the cello, which was to have its first outing between April and May as...
Most Haunted Stories of Ireland
9 of the spookiest stories to ever come out of Ireland, featuring Northern spectres, ghost rivers and the Devil himself.
Traditional food for an Irish Halloween
In times past and just as much today, an Irish Halloween is a harvest festival celebrated with a feast for the family.
History of Halloween
Join the Irish Embassy and special guest speaker Dr. Julie LeBlanc for a fireside chat on the History of Halloween. Throughout this...
Meet Ireland’s ancient Halloween spirits
Ireland at Halloween – watch out for all sorts of spirits that are said to roam the island at the most spine-tingling...
Ghostly goings on across the island of Ireland
Ireland isn’t short of a ghost or three, and Halloween is the perfect time for eerie encounters.
Haunted houses,...
Fill your heart with Ireland’s food, drink and crafts
For now you can’t go to Ireland, but Ireland can still go to you via the wonderful food, drink and artisan crafts...
Landscapes of Ireland, then and now
Sculpted over millennia by natural and human forces, the landscapes of the island of Ireland have offered dramatic photo opportunities ever since...
New map points the way to an Irish gin journey
A great new Gin Distillery Map charts the must-try experiences and many ways to discover the story of the classic spirit around...