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Thursday, March 6, 2025

The team at KelownaNow.com has interviewed Rochelle Hoffmann of Blakley Okanagan School of Irish...

The team at KelownaNow.com was privileged to interview Rochelle Hoffmann of Blakley Okanagan School of Irish Dance. KelownaNow: What is your name? Rochelle: Rochelle Hoffmann KelownaNow:...

Irish comedy legend Frank Kelly dead at 77.

There was more to Frank Kelly than just Father Jack. Though he was best known to audiences for his portrayal of the drunken, foul-mouthed Father...

Ireland at The Oscars

Fall marks the beginning of the film industry’s annual Awards Season when films jockey for position with various industry awards and influential critics’ lists...

Emma Donoghue talks to us about the adaption of her own novel Room for...

Emma Donoghue is an award winning novelist, literary historian, screenwriter and mother. Born in Dublin she emigrated to Canada and now lives in London...

Music Generation – Michael Barry

Irish Music Education gets major financial boost. The long-term future of music education in Ireland received a fantastic boost in late January 2016 following a...

The Making of Soda Bread

Soda bread, a staple of the Irish diet since the early 1800s, has a long and interesting history. It’s a simple bread made of...

The Monumental News

Download the latest Ireland Canada Monument newsletter. Containing information related to the Irish community in and around Vancouver including: - The Monument Project - Stake Holders...


Want to see where your ancestors lived in 1890’s Ireland? Check out this cool site!

Dis-used school houses of Ireland

Cork-based professional archaeologist and photographer Enda O’Flaherty has a particular interest in the desolate beauty of abandoned spaces. As an archaeologist his work has...

Clans And Scottish Societies Of Canada.

We are the link between various Clans and Scottish Societies. We encourage the celebration of our Scottish Cultural Heritage and the promotion of this...

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